I'm going to keep this one short because as my mother taught me "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I love Dawn O'Porter and her take on literary tales. Normally her characters are rich with all the good and bad things that make us human.
That is why it hurts me to say that this book was not for me. It was all just a little too far fetched and I couldn't connect with the main protagonist.
I think the biggest issue I had with this book was that our main protagonist had no meat to her. She was a middle aged woman, with a good job and a shit marriage, who loved her cat more than anything else. And while we did get a bit more of her towards the end of the novel, there wasn't enough character to really connect with throughout the book. I still don't quite understand some of the story choices that were made and I think with all the waffle removed it would probably make a really lovely novella. But for me, there just wasn't enough story to really justify a whole book.
As always this is just one bookworms opinion! As I said, normally I'm a big fan of O'Porter's work but this one just wasn't for me.
Happy Reading
E x