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How To Kill Men And Get Away With It by Katy Brent

Updated: May 25, 2024

There are many redeeming qualities about this book, for instance while I can't say I particularly "liked" our main protagonist, Kitty Collins was amusing. She is the right mix between Villanelle's apathetic psychoticness and Dexter's "I'm only going to kill the bad ones" that had me gripped from the start. While she does indeed, kill men and get away with it, as the book goes on you do start to see a more human side the Kitty that leads our unredeemable protagonist on the road to something resembling redemption.

While I enjoyed the witty narration and disconnect from reality that Kitty bought to the table, I did struggle with the mismatch of tropes towards the end. When EVERY bad thing you can imagine has happened to one person they stop feeling relatable. Sure, one or two monstrous things to make you a serial killer but throwing the whole kitchen sink (and the fridge and the cooker and the mouse living in the back of the crips cupboard) at it was over kill - pun intended! Sometimes less is more and I think there was a redemption plot within there somewhere but it got lost in the jumble.

Overall, How to Kill Men and Get Away With It is an entertaining black comedy that mirrors the polarising perceptions of social media today. While it is not the best title to be reading when you start dating someone new (really awkward when your new boyfriend asks what you're reading!), it is a good book and I would recommend. Even if I wasn't 100% sold on the ending.

Happy Reading

E x


Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for allowing me to read this title.

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