I'm not going to lie, I've been on a bit of a reading slump since I started teaching and since Christmas last year I could probably count on one hand how many times I've picked up a book. However, when your friend is basically jumping up and down with excitement of a story you have to at least give it a go... she's normally right about these things, she's why I read two of my favourite books last year.
The big question... what lengths would you go to to become great at your craft? The Writing Retreat explore the depth of this desire and the extreme actions one author will take for the next best seller. The books main protagonist is easy to like and you find yourself wanting her to do well. A tangled and messy past with her best friend causes all kinds of drama and when locked in a house with only a handful of other writers to distract you the past is going to bite you on the ass.
It is a story of two halves, and I honestly cannot say any more without getting a call from the spoiler police. But what I can say is that at no point did I see where this book was going. Yes, some of the relationships are a tad on the nose and tropey but mostly this book had me up until the early hours needing to know what comes next.
If you are one for smartly constructed thrillers that having you constantly guessing and NEVER getting the answers right, then this is a book for you.
Happy Reading
E x